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    宮古島 ダイビング

    Beginners and blanks are welcome☆.
    Miyako Island Diving Experience with Fantastic Terrain


    Miyako Island is dotted with about 40 to 100 dive sites. Formed by coral upliftEnjoy it because it's on Miyako Island.Lots of diving spots and attractions!

    Come and enjoy the fantastic and exciting terrain with us!

    For those who...
    Those who want to make their diving debut in Miyako Island.
    ◆For those who want to know about the diving situation in Miyako Island.
    ◆If you want to know about diving spots in Miyako Island
    ◆If you want to know about recommended tiving tours

    In this issue, we will introduce the appeal of diving and recommended tours to experience diving on Miyako Island!


    Why Diving in Miyako Island is Too Attractive

    The beauty of the sea is sure to impress you!
    One of the world's best topographic dive sites


    What is the best thing about the sea of Miyakojima?world-classIt is said thatHigh transparencyIt is.

    In fact, Miyako Island has no large rivers or mountains, so it maintains a high level of transparency throughout the year.


    Also,Miyako Island is an island formed by coral upliftThere are still many fantastic terrain spots that remain untouched in the

    Its fantastic terrain spots are among the best in the country.You can only experience this in Miyako Island.So they say. This is mind-blowing☆.

    Three major terrain points on Miyako Island
    It is said to be one of the three major topographic points on Miyako Island,
    ◆Antonio Gaudi
    ◆Demon King's Palace
    ◆ Street Pond
    Please try to conquer the

    Requests for ⬇︎ points OK!
    Click here for recommended diving tours☆.


    One of the largest coral reef zone points in Japan!
    Yabiji" to visit at least once


    In the northern part of Miyako Island, there is one of the largest coral reef belts in Japan called "Yabiji.

    You can enjoy snorkeling here, but if you dive, you can experience the coral reefs even closer, doubling your excitement!

    Yaegase isNational MonumentWe recommend that you make your reservations as early as possible if you plan to join the tour, as it is also designated as a

    ⬇︎Yaebise diving tours are available here

    ⬇︎Yaebise snorkeling tours are available here.


    Churaumi can be enjoyed by beginners and experts alike!
    The sea of Miyako Island attracts a lot of people.


    In fact, many beginners make their diving debut on Miyako Island!

    Miyako Island Tours offers a wide range of diving tours to meet the needs of beginners, small groups, advanced divers, and licensed divers.

    The charm of Miyako Island is that it can be enjoyed by beginners and experts alike. You can enjoy fantastic topography, coral reefs, nudibranchs, and a variety of creatures including big fish.


    Safe and secure with a small number of participants!


    Have you ever experienced that you were not satisfied with the tour because there were too many people in one group, or that you could not see the scenery or creatures you wanted to see?

    We want you to enjoy your limited time on Miyako Island to the fullest! With this in mind, we offer many small-group diving tours.

    Please feel the charm of diving that can be experienced only in a small group☆.

    ⬇︎ for small group diving tours.

    See the list of Miyako Island Diving Trip Plans

    Diving Style by Area of Stay in Miyako Island


    The center of Miyako Island is the Hirara Port area on the west side of the island. This is the urban area of Miyako Island, also known as Hirara Town.

    The Hirara area is a 10-minute drive from Miyako Airport and will be the center of your trip because of its many restaurants and hotels.


    If you are staying in the Taira area, it is inevitably more convenient for the tour to meet around Taira♪

    ⬇︎ Click here for diving tours that meet in the Taira area.

    ⬇︎ Blue Cave Held!
    Click here for diving tours in the Irabu Island area

    ⬇︎ Yaebiji (Yaebiji) Held!
    Click here for diving tours that meet in the Ikema Island area.

    ⬇︎ Nakanoshima Beach (Kayaffa) held!
    Click here for diving tours in Shimojishima area

    For those who are particular about the scenery and points of interest they wish to see or dive, there is also the Irabu and Shimoji Island area, or the Yaebise area (about 40-60 minutes one way from the port).

    It is recommended to dive at various spots depending on the season and sea conditions.

    See the list of Miyako Island Diving Trip Plans

    How to Enjoy Miyako Island Diving (Entry Method)

    beach entry


    Beach entry means that you can walk into the ocean from the beach at your own pace and enjoy diving.

    Those who have not been diving for a long timeand ... andBeginners, ,Not a good swimmeris recommended for beach entry diving because there is no "anxiety about suddenly going to deep water.

    Beach Entry Diving Points
    ○No need to worry about seasickness
    ○○Don't go deep out of the blue.
    ○ Short walking distance with equipment on your back
    High rate of ○○ holding
    ○For beginners

    ⬇︎ Click here for recommended diving tours with beach entry.


    boat entry


    Boat entry is a method of getting to the point by boat and entering from the sea.

    My feet don't touch the ground.The boat is then floated on the surface of the water, holding onto a ladder or rope.


    Go to a point with even deeper water.Therefore, you can enjoy creatures that cannot be seen at the beach entry, as well as the historical topography and scenery of Miyako Island.

    Boat Entry Diving Points
    ○○Cruising can also be enjoyed.
    Boat ride to the top of the attraction is possible.
    ○Dynamic organisms and landscapes
    ○For intermediate level students

    ⬇︎ Click here for recommended boat entry diving tours.


    slow diving


    Slow diving is when the guide takes the customer on aOne-on-one escortThe use of a full-face mask allows the wearer to breathe as they would on land, without getting their face wet.

    Easier than snorkeling, but the scenery is just as good as diving.Less stress on the bodyThis is why it is gaining popularity now.

    Slow Diving Points
    ○3 generations from 8 to 80 years old can enjoy it.
    ○ ○ Face does not get wet.
    Breathe as if you were on land
    ○ No tank on your back.
    ○One-on-one support from a guide

    Click here for ⬇︎ recommended slow diving tours.


    fun diving


    Fun diving, as the name implies, is derived from "fun," which means to enjoy,Diving for licensed divers (C-card holders only) to a maximum depth of 40 metersIt is.

    You can enjoy dynamic terrain points rich in ups and downs, which is the greatest feature of Miyako Island.

    Click here for ⬇︎ recommended fun diving tours.

    ⬇︎ this opportunity! We also recommend the recommended license acquisition tour☆.

    Once you obtain a license (C-card), you can dive not only in Japan but also in other diving spots around the world.

    See the list of Miyako Island Diving Trip Plans

    Miyako Island Diving Spots by Area


    Diving spots on Miyako Island are mainly divided into four areas: Irabu Island area, Shimoji Island area, Yaebise area, and Miyako Island South Coast area.

    The dive sites are scattered over a wide area,Year-round divingThe charm of the sea of Miyakojima is that it is the most attractive! Let us introduce each area.


    Introduction of Diving Spots in Miyako Island
    Areas around Irabu Island


    The diving spot area around Irabu Island is located in the northwestern part of Irabu Island.

    Not only can you enjoy abundant topography, but also migratory fish, sea turtles, and manta rays.Summer (May-August)It is suitable for diving in

    W arch

    ◆Max depth: 18m
    ◆Flow: Almost none

    This is a cute point where two overlapping arches look like a heart shape from different angles. Schools of red clownfish and giant lobsters can frequently be seen in the arches.

    cross hole

    ◆Max depth: 20m
    ◆Flow: Almost none

    The name comes from the two cracks in the ceiling that cross each other, and the dazzling and fantastic summer light that shines through these two cracks is sure to impress.

    Requests for ⬇︎ points OK!
    Click here for recommended diving tours☆.


    Introduction of Diving Spots in Miyako Island
    Areas around Shimojishima Island


    This is the area of Shimojishima where Shimojishima Airport is located, which became a hot topic when LCC started service in March 2019.

    The Miyako Island area is dotted with some of the most famous terrain spots.Autumn to spring (September to April)It is suitable for diving over

    palace of the devil king

    ◆Max depth: 27m
    ◆Flow: Occasionally

    This point boasts outstanding name recognition and popularity among the terrain points around Miyako Island.

    As you go deeper into the cave, you will be able to see fish and beautiful blue gradations that are unique to the cave.

    Antonio Gaudi

    ◆Max depth: 33m
    ◆Flow: Almost none

    The point is named after a famous historical architect. As the name suggests, it has a fantastic atmosphere with multiple layers of artistic arches.

    pond in a garden

    ◆Max depth: 45m
    ◆Current: strong at times

    One of the famous topographic points, it is popular for its very mysterious structure that allows visitors to enter two freshwater ponds on Shimoji Island from the sea through a cave.

    When you exit the cave into the pond, the chemocline formed by the mixing of fresh and salt water and the thermocline formed by the difference in water temperature are very fantastic.


    This is a representative point of the Yaebise area. The reef is covered with a magnificent coral colony, and tropical fish such as "red coral goatfish," "snappers," and "debasumer fish" crowd around the coral.

    White City

    ◆Max depth: 14m
    ◆Flow: Almost none

    This is an area of gently deepening, all-encompassing sand. The beautiful white sand is like powder snow, and this is a healing point that makes you feel as if you are looking at a ski slope. Because it faces the open ocean, sea turtles and migratory fish can suddenly appear!

    Requests for ⬇︎ points OK!
    Click here for recommended diving tours☆.


    Introduction of Diving Spots in Miyako Island
    Miyako Island South Coast Area


    This area is located near the southeast coast of Miyako Island. There are many points where the sea is less rough,the winter seasonIt is suitable for diving in

    coral garden

    ◆Max depth: 8m
    ◆Flow: Almost none

    There is a huge "Lobedahama Coral" and fish such as "Sparrowhawks" and "Leaf Scorpionfish" can be seen around the coral. This is a good point for beginners to dive in a relaxed manner.

    seven-way arch

    ◆Max depth: 10m
    ◆Flow: Almost none

    This is a typical terrain point in the south coast area of Miyakojima. The light shining through the gaps between the intricate arches creates a fantastic view.

    Requests for ⬇︎ points OK!
    Click here for recommended diving tours☆.


    Introduction of Diving Spots in Miyako Island
    Yaebiji Area

    Located on the north side of Miyako Island, this area is the largest tabletop coral reef group in Japan and has been designated as a national natural monument. Visitors can enjoy beautiful corals and tropical fish.

    ⬇︎ recommended Yaebise diving tours

    See the list of Miyako Island Diving Trip Plans

    Miyako Island Diving Areas by Season


    On Miyako Island, the points to go (dive) depend on the direction of the wind and the time of year.

    Basically, we dive in the Irabu Island area and Yaebise area in summer, Shimoji Island area and the south side of Miyako Island area in winter, and in spring and fall, we dive at the spots we can go depending on the sea breeze and requests.

    The summer months after June are the most beautiful of the year, bathed in sunshine.You can experience fantastic diving in the At the same time, be aware that June through October is the high season and reservations fill up quickly due to the large number of tourists.

    Recommended areas for each season
    ○Spring: Depends on sea conditions
    ○Summer: Irabu Island area / Yaebise area
    ○Autumn: Depends on sea conditions
    ○Winter: Shimojishima area / Miyakojima south area
    *June to October is the high season.

    See the list of Miyako Island Diving Trip Plans

    For Beginners] Miyako Island Diving Tour

    Beginners and those who are not good swimmers are also welcome!
    Beach Experience Diving Tour


    We want to guide each customer to a diving experience tailored to his or her individual needs.This is an experience diving tour with the guide's wish to "make the most of your time in the sea".

    No need to worry about seasickness because of beach entry! Even first-time divers can easily try and enjoy diving.


    Participation available from 8 years old! Snorkel included☆.
    Slow Diving Experience Tour


    At Shimojishima Kayaffa Beach (Nakanoshima Beach),From 8 to 80 years oldThis plan is popular among repeaters and can be enjoyed by three generations of tourists.

    You can enjoy an exquisite moment surrounded by a school of more than 100 kinds of tropical fish and a coral flower garden.


    For those who want high quality photos☆.
    Sea Turtle Photogenic Tour


    This plan includes snorkeling (elementary school students and older) or skin diving (10 years old and older) and underwater photography at a sea turtle point on Miyako Island.

    Families can participate together, and with video recording, the best memories of sea turtles can be preserved in an authentic way.

    See the list of Miyako Island Diving Trip Plans

    Small Group] Miyako Island Diving Tour

    Beach Entry Diving


    The beach entry is completely private, so you can enjoy a relaxing and enjoyable time without worrying about others.

    Experienced and friendly guides will be on hand to assist you.


    Boat Entry Diving


    In this plan, you and your instructor will take a boat to the dive site and dive to a maximum depth of 12 meters to enjoy the underwater world.

    The tour is completely private, with a maximum of two people per staff member, so you can enjoy yourself and get used to the water at your own pace.


    Experience Diving & Snorkeling


    This plan includes experience diving and snorkeling at Kayaffa (Nakanoshima Beach), where you can see more than 100 kinds of colorful corals and fish with beach entry.

    Guides provide one-on-one assistance to guests,We also do frequent ear removal about every 50 cm, so don't worry if you were in a hurry and had difficulty getting out.

    See the list of Miyako Island Diving Trip Plans

    What to bring and wear for Miyako Island Diving Tour


    For Miyako Island diving tours, basically all you need to do is to wear a bathing suit and come together!

    If you plan to go sightseeing directly after diving, we recommend that you wear clothes that are easy to change into.

    Recommended Clothing & Personal Belongings
    Clothing: T-shirt, sea pants, sandals
    Things to bring: towel, change of clothes, sunscreen, sunglasses

    Clothing: T-shirt, sea pants, sandals
    What to bring: Towel, change of clothes, sunscreen, and a cloak

    See the list of Miyako Island Diving Trip Plans

    Miyako Island Diving Tour FAQ

    Q. When is the best season to dive in Miyako Island?
    Diving can be enjoyed all year round on Miyako Island, but especially from May to October, from spring to fall, the water temperature is warmer than 25°C, making it comfortable and enjoyable.
    Q. What do you recommend for diving in Miyako Island?
    Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
    Q. How deep can I dive in Miyako Island?
    For experience diving, you can dive to a depth of 12 meters. To fully enjoy the topographic points of Miyako Island, we recommend that you obtain a "PADI Open Water Diver" license, which allows you to dive to a depth of 18 meters.
    Q. Can I participate in diving tours in Miyako Island by myself?
    Individuals are welcome to join us.
    Q. Why can't I fly after diving?
    After diving, nitrogen builds up in the body. If you get on an airplane and suddenly go to a place with low air pressure, the risk of "decompression sickness" increases. After diving, you need to take enough time to thoroughly discharge nitrogen from your body before boarding the plane.

    For advance or same-day reservations, please contact Miyakojima Tours!


    Miyakojima Tours also accepts reservations for tours for the day before or on the day of the tour.

    We may be able to accommodate you even just before the tour starts!

    See the list of Miyako Island Diving Trip Plans

    New Miyako Island Diving and Scuba Diving Tour Testimonials

    User_dulw / 50s Posted on 2024-09-01

    I joined this tour with my family. The captain and all the staff were very friendly and explained all the precautions and made sure we were safe in the spots.

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    User_ihxf / 50s Posted on 2024-08-30

    It was my first experience, but after the necessary explanations, I was able to get in the water and get used to the experience right away. It was a two-dive experience, but it felt like it was over in the blink of an eye. I would have liked to have dived longer. I would have liked to have experienced more beautiful underwater.

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    Mr. jk-tk / 40s Posted on 2024-08-13

    I experienced 2 dives with my eldest son who is in junior high school. The instructor was very attentive and gave us a unique experience in Miyako Island. We were guided by a female instructor, but the male instructor handled the phone calls, chatted with us during breaks, and even handled us at the end of the tour, all to our satisfaction. I plan to use this service again the next time I go back to Miyako Island for sightseeing.

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    User_jeoe / 30s Posted on 2024-08-06

    It was my first diving experience, but I was able to relax and enjoy the safe and comfortable instruction. I was able to see the beautiful sea of Miyako Island up close, and the underwater photos were wonderful memories. 2 groups per day are limited, so it is nice to receive individualized and careful instruction!

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    User_twnc / 30s Posted on 2024-08-05

    I participated in the Miyakojima Beach Experience Diving Tour and had the best experience! It was my first time diving, but with careful explanation and support from the guide, I was able to enjoy the undersea world with ease. Surrounded by beautiful coral reefs and colorful fish, it was like being in another world. I was very satisfied with the great photos we took!

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    Mr. Mel-tan / 40s Posted on 2024-08-01


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    Flow of Reservation and Participation

    • Find a tour

      Find the tour you want to join based on the scene and time of day♪.

    • Reservation Plan Application

      Once you have decided on the plan you want to apply for, select the date and time and start the application process!

    • Reservation Confirmation

      Miyakojima Tours will contact you once the reservation is completed♪

    • Take a tour

      All that remains is to participate on the day of the event! Let's have fun to the fullest!

    open (e.g. store) 8:00-17:00