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    How to get to Irabu Island and recommended tours and spots you must visit on your Miyako Island trip!

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    What is Irabu Island like?

    Outline of Irabu Island


    Irabu Island, a remote Okinawan island northwest of Miyako Island, has a population of approximately 5,000 people and is a calm, relaxing, and tranquil island. The main industries of Irabu Island are fishing, mainly skipjack tuna fishing and processing, and agriculture, mainly sugarcane. The settlements are located around Sarahama Port in the northeast of the island and around an inlet between Sarahama Port and Shimoji Island, a neighboring island connected by a bridge, with vast sugarcane fields between the settlements.

    In recent years, with the opening of Shimoji Airport in March 2019, tourism and activities have become more active. The island's highest point is 89-meter-high Mt. Maki, and the coastline from the southeast to the north is a sheer cliff. On the other hand, the terrain on the southern and northwestern sides of the island is gently sloping, with the white sandy beach of Watakuchi on the coastline.

    Irabu Island is an island formed by raised coral, and since the surrounding sea is crystal clear and dotted with many diving spots, many diving tours are held, and the island is often visited by repeat divers and many diving boats from Miyako Island.


    How to get to Irabu Island


    Miyako Island is the gateway to Irabu Island, but since the Irabu Bridge opened in January 2015, it is now easily accessible by car from Miyako Island, and it is approximately 7.3 km from Miyako Airport to the Irabu Bridge, a 15-20 minute drive.

    There is no direct bus service from the airport to Irabu Island, but you can take the Miyako Kyoei Bus No. 5 "Niisato-Miyakuni Route" from the airport to Hirara Port, and transfer to the Kyowa Bus "Sawada Garage". The buses to Sawada Shako run eight times a day on weekdays and holidays.

    In addition, Shimoji Airport will open on neighboring Shimoji Island in March 2019, further improving accessibility.


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    Popular Tourist Spots on Irabu Island

    The nature-rich island of Irabu has several various sightseeing points, including beautiful beaches and parks with spectacular views. Driving along the road circling the island to visit the scattered points of interest is also popular. Here are some of the recommended sightseeing spots on Irabu Island!


    Watakuchi Beach


    Watakuchi no Hama, with its beautiful powdery white sand, is a shallow beach 50 meters wide and 800 meters long in an arch shape. Watakuchi no Hama is so clear that you can spot many tropical fish just a short distance into the ocean. The gradation of colors on the surface of the sea as it gradually turns blue toward the horizon is a spectacular sight.

    When you take off your footwear and walk on the beach with bare feet, you will feel the smooth white sand on your soles, and you will feel healed just by walking on the beach.


    Sawada Beach


    The beach of Sawada, dotted with many small and large rocks, was selected as one of the "100 best beaches in Japan" in 1996 for its beautiful scenery and clear water. Sawada-no-hama is also a good place to watch the sunset, and its beautiful scenery is a popular sunset spot among the locals.


    Shiratorizaki, West Coast Park


    Shiratorizaki is a lookout point located on the northern side of Irabu Island. The waters of Shiratorizaki are among the best diving spots on Irabu Island, and are popular among divers for their complex topography, including arches and caves.

    In addition, the one-kilometer stretch from Shiratorizaki to "Hunausagibanata" is a west coast park with a rest area and a promenade, a nice place to take a walk while admiring the magnificent scenery. It is also a place where beautiful sunsets can be seen.


    adultebeard brotula (species of ophidiiform fish, Brotula multibarbata)


    Funausagibanata" is a Miyako Island dialect word meaning "a cape to see off ships. It is said to be the place where many people waved their hands in farewell as they departed from the island. From the observatory shaped like a large crested serpent (a type of hawk), you can look out over the cobalt blue ocean. Coral reefs extend into the sea below the cliffs, and sea turtles can sometimes be seen swimming.


    Makiyama Observatory


    Makiyama Observatory" is the highest point on Irabu Island. The view from the observatory commands a panoramic view of the Irabu Bridge, Miyako Island, Kuruma Island, and Ikema Island to the east. There is a walking trail at the foot of the observatory, where visitors can stroll through a thick subtropical virgin forest.




    Nudokubiabu is a 22-meter-deep cave on Irabu Island, also known as a power spot. It is a hidden power spot as it is rarely mentioned in tourist magazines or the media.

    Because it is located in the sugarcane fields of Irabu Island, it is difficult to access by car. It is also difficult to access on foot, so we recommend that you ask someone who knows how to get there!

    It is very atmospheric as you enter by stone steps from the entrance of the cave. It is quite an atmospheric power spot, so please visit.

    Basic Information on Nudokviab
    Spot name: Ndukviab
    Address: Irabu Ikema-zoe, Miyakojima City, Okinawa, Japan


    Yamato Boo Oiwa


    Yamatoboo Oiwa is a large rock designated as a historical site by Miyakojima City, located on the east side of Irabu Island. It is a huge limestone rock with a diameter of 18 meters and a height of 25 meters. It can be seen on the way to the Makiyama Observatory after crossing the Irabu Bridge from Miyakojima.

    From Yamatoboo Oiwa, you can enjoy a panoramic view of the Irabu Bridge and the surrounding landscape. Nearby are the Irabu Bridge Opening Monument and the Okinawa Return to Mainland Japan Monument, so it is also a good place to visit while exploring the surrounding spots.

    Basic Information on Yamatoboo Oiwa
    Spot name: Yamatoboo Oiwa
    Address: 923 Ikemazoe, Irabu, Miyakojima City, Okinawa, Japan
    Access: 17 minutes by car from Miyako Airport
    Parking: Available
    Restaurant: None
    Toilet: Yes


    Nagayama Beach


    Nagayama Beach is located in the eastern part of Irabu Island and is characterized by its powdery sand. You can feel the fineness of the sand on the beach by touching it, so it is good to check it out.

    This beach is so beautiful that it has been featured on the cover of a Miyako Island guidebook. It is rarely visited by people, and the large field makes it a safe place for those with children to enjoy swimming.

    Basic Information on Nagayama Beach
    Spot name: Nagayama Beach
    Address: Sawada, Irabu, Miyakojima City, Okinawa, Japan
    Tel: (0980) 78-5513 (Fisheries and Tourism Division, Irabu Branch Office, Miyakojima City)
    Swimming season: Year-round
    Shower: No
    Toilet: None
    Fee: Free of charge
    Stores: None


    Oyadomari Beach


    Oyadomari Beach is well visited by tourists every summer because the beach can be seen from the main road across the Irabu Bridge. Before the opening of the Irabu Bridge, the beach was rarely visited, but since the bridge was opened, it has become crowded with many tourists. Although facilities have been built around the beach, the beach still retains a natural and quiet atmosphere.

    Basic Information on Oyadomari Beach
    Spot name: Oyadomari Beach
    Address: Irabu, Miyakojima City, Okinawa, Japan
    Parking: Available
    Shower: No
    Changing rooms: None
    Stores: None


    saber-toothed tiger (sabre)


    Sabautugar has been a lifeline for the local people, supplying domestic water to the Sarahama area around Sabautugar for over 240 years. It is a historic well and a designated historical site by Miyakojima City. Sabautugar is a masonry well with a diameter of 1.5 m and a depth of 4.5 m. There are also stone stairs leading down the well.

    It is said that the name "Sabautugar" comes from the fact that the topography of Ikema Island resembles the shape of a shark's mouth. This is stated on a stone tablet near the well.

    Basic Information on Sabautzger
    Spot name: Sabautsugar
    Address: 553-1 Maezazoe, Irabu, Miyakojima City, Okinawa, Japan
    Access: 10 minutes by car from Sarahama Port
    Parking: Available


    Makiyama Camp Shelter


    Makiyama Camp Shelter is a camp shelter located on the trail leading to the Makiyama Observatory. It is a war site that resembles a cave. The inside of the cave is dark all day and night because there is no light coming in. The footing is not good, so it is recommended to wear non-slip shoes and visit with more than one person.

    At the end of the cave, there is a spectacular spot where you can see the west coast of Miyako Island. It is a little-known hole-in-the-wall place, so it is a good place to visit with a couple or a loved one.

    Basic Information on Makiyama Camp Shelter
    Spot name: Makiyama Camp Shelter
    Address: Irabu, Miyakojima City, Okinawa, Japan
    Phone number: 0980-78-6250


    Sarahama Port


    Sarahama Port is a fishing port located in the eastern part of Irabu Island. This fishing port is famous for its bonito landings, and there are many restaurants in the surrounding area that serve bonito dishes. It is also often used as a meeting point for marine activity tours, so it is possible to enjoy a bowl of bonito after enjoying an activity!

    Sarahama Fishing Port Basic Information
    Spot Name:Sarahama Fishing Port
    Address: Irabu, Miyakojima City, Okinawa, Japan
    Access: 22 minutes by car from Miyako Airport
    Parking: Available
    Restaurant: Available
    Toilet: Yes


    Heisei no Mori Park


    Heisei no Mori Park is located near Sawada beach in the western part of Irabu Island. The sasiba is a migratory bird that comes to the Miyako Archipelago, including Irabu Island, in the fall.

    In addition to the giant slide, the park has various other facilities such as a multipurpose plaza, baseball field, and athletic facilities. In addition to enjoying the park's athletic facilities, there are many ways to have fun, such as enjoying marine activities at the nearby Sawada beach or taking pictures of the unusual shaped rocks. There are many places to sit and rest, so feel free to visit.

    Heisei no Mori Park Basic Information
    Spot name: Heisei no Mori Park
    Address: 1822-1 Nagahama, Irabu, Miyakojima City, Okinawa, Japan
    Access: 29 minutes by car from Miyako Airport
    Parking: Available
    Restaurant: None
    Toilet: Yes


    Pyaz Utaki (Central Asian sacred site, esp. Kagoshima Prefecture)


    Pyaz Utaki is located about 17 minutes by car from Miyako Airport. In the dialect of Irabu Island, "Pyaz Utaki" means "God's dwelling place. Utaki is a sacred place equivalent to a shrine on the mainland, as there are few shrines in Okinawa.

    Each Utaki has its own beliefs, and Pyas Utaki is worshipped as the deity of good harvest because it enshrines Akarabanjin, who once brought about the spread of crops and the development of farming techniques.

    Basic Information on Pyaz Utaki
    Spot name: Pyaz Utaki
    Address: 923 Ikemazoe, Irabu, Miyakojima City, Okinawa, Japan
    Access: 17 minutes by car from Miyako Airport
    Parking: None
    Restaurant: None
    Toilet: None




    Susavi Myaka is the largest and grandest tomb on Irabu Island, built around 1600. The meaning of "Susabi" in Susabi Myaka is not known, but "Myaka" means "grave" and refers to the fact that it is a huge tomb. Even today, human remains are still housed inside. It is known as a valuable site where one can feel the masonry techniques of the time.

    Basic Information on Susavimyaka
    Spot name: Susavimyaka
    Address: Irabu, Miyakojima City, Okinawa, Japan
    Access: 26 minutes by car from Miyako Airport
    Parking: None
    Restaurant: None
    Toilet: None


    Irabu Bridge Opening Monument


    The Irabu Bridge Opening Monument is a monument at the opening of the Irabu Bridge, built in 2015, which was the longest bridge in Japan at the time. It is a compact monument from which one can view the beautiful Irabu Blue. Nearby is the Yamatoboo Oiwa, also mentioned above, where you can walk around. There is no parking, but you can park your car on the shoulder of the road, so this spot is accessible by car for a quick stopover!

    Basic information about the Irabu Bridge Opening Monument
    Spot name: Irabu Bridge Opening Monument
    Address: 923 Ikemazoe, Irabu, Miyakojima City, Okinawa, Japan
    Access: 14 minutes by car from Miyako Airport
    Parking: None
    Restaurant: None
    Toilet: None


    triangulation point


    Triangle Point is a 70-meter-high cliff from which the most spectacular view of Irabu Island can be seen. The view from the top of the cliff is both beautiful and thrilling. The view from the top of the cliff is so beautiful that it has been picked up by guidebooks and SNS.

    The cliff is 70 meters high, so do not push or look into it, as a fall would be fatal! Only about five adults are allowed on the cliff, so be sure to visit in order.

    Triangle Point Basic Information
    Spot name:Triangle Point
    Address: Irabu, Miyakojima City, Okinawa, Japan


    iguana rock


    Iguana Iwa is a rock shaped like the face of an iguana located in the northwestern part of Irabu Island. There are many unusual stones and rocks in the Miyako Archipelago, such as whale rocks and strange stones, so you can look for them.

    The sea surrounding Iguana Rock is known as a good diving and snorkeling spot because of its coral reefs and abundant life. It is also known as a photo spot with very beautiful scenery because of its intricate topography and rocky terrain. However, the rocky field is not stable, so you need to be very careful with your foothold.

    Iguana Rock Basic Information
    Spot name: Iguana Rock
    Address: Irabu, Miyakojima City, Okinawa, Japan
    Parking: Available (spaces available)
    Toilet: None
    Shower: No
    Changing rooms: None
    Stores: None


    Recommended Tours and Activities in Irabu Island

    Blue Cave and Glass Boat Tour


    A glass boat is a boat with a glass bottom, so you can enjoy the underwater scenery from inside the boat without going into the sea. This tour allows you to board a glass boat, which allows you to see underwater from the bottom of the boat, and enjoy observing the underwater topography, corals, and fish while cruising around Miyakojima and Irabu Island.

    Among them, the points around the "Blue Cave," as the name suggests, offer a spectacular view of the underwater landscape that glows bright blue, as if blue paint has been melted into the water. The boat used for the tour is equipped with a tent roof to block the intense direct sunlight in midsummer, so you can enjoy the underwater observation cruise in cool comfort.

    For more information about glass boat tours and a list of plans, click here↓↓.


    SUP Tour


    SUP is a Hawaiian-born activity called stand up paddle surfing. SUP, from the initials SUP, is an activity in which one rides on a board that is thicker and longer than a regular surfboard, and paddles along on it.

    The exhilarating feeling of moving swiftly on the clear, transparent sea and sitting on the board to enjoy a 360-degree view of the blue ocean is unforgettable. Why don't you enjoy the beautiful and crystal clear sea of Irabu by playing in the spots that can only be reached from the sea, lying down in the shallows and relaxing, or paddling along, while feeling the overwhelmingly beautiful sea, the bright blue sky, and other beautiful nature with all your body.

    This is a recommended activity during sunset (dusk) time, as you can enjoy different scenic pleasures in the same place, slightly different from the views you see during the day.

    Click here for private SUP tours on Irabu Island.


    Snorkeling Tour


    Snorkeling is an activity that does not require any special skills or licenses, and does not require any equipment to be carried like diving. All you have to do is put a snorkel, a pipe for breathing air, in your mouth, float on the surface of the water, and observe the underwater world with your face in the water.

    This is a fun activity that allows you to feel at one with the ocean as you float in the water and observe the gradation of light shining through the water and the tropical fish swimming around you.

    Click here for snorkeling tours on Irabu Island.


    Irabu Island Blue Cave Tour


    Don't forget the Blue Cave on Irabu Island. Take a snorkeling boat or kayak to the entrance and snorkel inside the cave. As you go deeper into the cave, you will be greeted by a school of tropical fish. If you go to Irabu Island for sightseeing, join a tour and see the Blue Cave at least once!

    For more information about the Blue Cave Tour, click here↓.


    Other Events & Attractions on Irabu Island


    Source:Miyako Mainichi Newspaper

    The "Romantic Sea Route-Irabu Island Marathon," held every February under the theme of "Rediscovering Romance with the Sea Breeze," offers four different courses, allowing runners to enjoy the natural beauty of Irabu Island while running. The "Irabu Island Marathon" is a four-course event where participants can enjoy the nature of Irabu Island while running. The Irabu Togani Festival, held every September, is a festival where participants compete by singing impromptu lyrical songs about the love between a man and a woman.



    With its beautiful, crystal-clear waters and mild year-round climate, Irabu Island offers a luxurious resort lifestyle for adults with an increasing number of villa-type hotels. Please visit Irabu Island when you travel to Miyako Island!

    All the fun of Miyako Island is here↓.
    Miyako Island Tours

    Click here for an article on annual temperatures in Miyako Island.


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