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    How to get to and where the triangulation point is on Miyako and Irabu Island! The most spectacular spots on Irabu Island!

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    Where is the triangular point on Irabu Island?
    In-depth explanation of how and where to get to the triangle


    Miyako and Irabu islands are dotted with numerous scenic spots where the beautiful sea and nature are interwoven.

    One of the best places to visit is,A topographically unique place called "Triangle PointIt is.


    From the triangulation point,Panoramic views of the endless blue sea and islandsYou can enjoy the magnificent scenery, which is different from that of tourist attractions.

    In this column, we will discuss how and where to get to the triangulation point on Irabu Island, as well asWe will also introduce you to some of the most spectacular spots in the area.Oh my god!!!

    *The site is currently off-limits.


    What kind of spot is the Miyako Island triangulation point?


    What is a "triangulation point"?A point used as a reference point for surveyingThis refers to the "mountain tops" in Japan. They are scattered throughout Japan and are often located on mountain tops or in places with good views.

    Next, I will introduce the characteristics of "triangulation points" on Miyako Island.â


    (1) Located in an easily accessible location
    A spot where you can easily visit


    The triangular point on Irabu Island is located at a lower elevation. Compared to triangulation points located on mountain peaks, they are more easily accessible and can be easily stopped at during sightseeing or driving.


    (2) Enjoy vast panoramic views


    The triangular point offers a 360-degree panoramic view of the topography of Irabu Island and the surrounding islands, including Miyako Island, Kurima Island, and even Yaegase on a clear day.

    With few buildings or obstacles, visitors can enjoy the spectacular scenery to their heart's content.


    (iii) At popular photo-op spots
    A place where you can feel the pleasant sea breeze


    A popular photo-worthy spot where you can feel the pleasant sea breeze. The emerald green sea below and the tranquil island scenery make the triangular point an attractive spot,Also popular as a photo-worthy spot.It is.

    Especially on a clear day, the contrast between the blue sky and the sea is beautiful, and you can enjoy a special moment while feeling the pleasant sea breeze.


    How to get to Miyako Island's triangular point

    The triangular point on Irabu Island is located in the southwestern part of the island,Approximately 20 minutes by car from the Irabu Bridgelocation.

    Here is how to get there by rental car from Miyako Island!

    Summary of how to get to the triangle
    Crossing the Irabu Bridge to Irabu Island
    ↓arrow (mark or symbol)
    Heading to "Sarahama Port
    ↓arrow (mark or symbol)
    From Sarahama Port to "Round-the-Island Road
    ↓arrow (mark or symbol)
    Stop at the place marked "BIKE

    Learn more!


    After crossing the Irabu Bridge, take the main road (Prefectural Route 252) in a southwesterly direction, passing Sarahama Port and heading toward the north side of Irabu Island.


    There is only one landmark on the way, written in blue on the road.BIKE.The letters "と" are the following.


    Walk past this "BIKE" sign for about 20 meters and go deeper into the woods on the left side, where you will find a gap in the trees.

    The footing is poor and the area is overgrown with trees, but once past this point, a spectacular view awaits!

    ⬇︎ for more information on car rentals in Miyako Island.


    Note on Miyako Island's triangular point


    The Triangle was originally an observation point, not a tourist attraction. Therefore, there is no parking lot, and the road is not well maintained, so there are many dangers.

    Here are some tips for visiting the triangulation point.


    Use good manners when parking.


    The triangulation point is not a tourist attraction but a survey observation point. Therefore, there is no dedicated parking lot.

    When parking, be very careful not to block the way of other cars and choose a location that does not interfere with traffic.


    Watch your step carefully!


    Very poor footholds on the bluff.It is a small place.

    Since the area fills up with only about 5 to 6 people, please use the area while sharing the space when it is crowded, and be careful to watch your step when taking pictures.


    Be careful with insect repellent and clothing.


    It is also a place where hats can easily be blown off by strong winds.

    Be sure to wear comfortable clothing and non-slip shoes for your visit, as there are many insects around and the rain can make your feet slippery. Please enjoy your visit with safety as your first priority!




    How was it? In this article, we introduced how to enjoy the spectacular view at the triangular point on Irabu Island.

    It is a beautiful and captivating place, but it should also be remembered that it can be dangerous and should be enjoyed safely!

    ⬇︎ Read the article at ⬇︎

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