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    View reservations and availability
    Amount of money Adults (10~):7,900yen
    Child (6~9 years old): 6,900 yen
    Infant (3~5 years old): 3,950 yen
    time zone 9:30~,13:30~
    the time required Approx. 2 hours
    Holding period year round
    Features of this plan

    *This application is currently suspended.

    Please consider ⬇︎ other mangrove tours.


    Explore Miyako Island's largest Shimajiri mangrove forest by canoe!

    Mangroves are plants that inhabit areas where fresh water and seawater mix (brackish water) near the coasts of tropical and subtropical regions.

    The mangrove forests of Shimajiri are a very valuable area where all species of mangroves native to Miyako Island can be found!


    Compared to canoeing on the ocean, mangrove rivers are less affected by wind and waves, so even small children can enjoy canoeing safely.

    Even if you are a first timer, our guides will provide full support!


    It is one of the few mangrove rivers in Miyako Island, but it is different from others.

    Enjoy observing the plants and creatures in the mangroves!


    The atmosphere of the mangroves changes dramatically with the tide. At low tide, it is fun to go down to the mangrove flats to observe subtropical plants and creatures♪

    The mangrove forests of Shimajiri have no shelter from the sun, so UV protection such as sunscreen and hats are absolutely necessary during the summer months.

    Please feel free to join and experience the very popular mangrove canoeing!

    Reference Schedule
    Hours. Contents
    9:30 The guide will call you the day before to inform you of the meeting place.
    10:00 Preparation and Description
    10:10 Let's enjoy mangrove canoeing♪
    11:30~12:00 End of tour, dismissal

    * Times are approximate. Time may vary depending on sea conditions and weather.

    *The guide will inform you of the exact meeting place and time the day before the tour.

    Course Content and Details
    Adults (age 10~): 7,900 yen
    Child (6~9 years old): 6,900 yen
    Infant (3~5 years old): 3,950 yen
    Fee includes
    Experience fee, insurance, rental fee (canoe set, life jacket, special shoes, etc.)
    If you wish: Wetsuits (Basically, you can enjoy the winter season without wearing a wetsuit)
    personal effects
    Wearing clothes that can get wet (please change into clothes that can get wet on the day of the tour) Beverages and towel
    Meeting and Dismissal Location
    The guide will call you the day before.
    Shimajiri mangrove
    Holding period
    year round
    Opening Hours
    From 9:30 and 13:30 (may be slightly later or later depending on the tide level)
    Age Range
    From 3 to 70 years old (for those not eligible, please consult with us)
    Number of participants
    1-20 persons (21 persons or more on request)
    Reservation Deadline
    By 11:00 a.m. on the day before

    *The guide will inform you of the exact meeting place and time the day before the tour.

    * Before making a reservation, please be sure toprecautionsfor more information.

    *Click here to request a charter tour.

    word of mouth
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    Nickname (optional)


    comprehensive evaluationindispensable
    Photos of the experience/usage (optional)
    *Uploadable images are limited to 5 MB or less. We look forward to your submissions with great photos!

    Most recent.9People are considering it.

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    Flow of Reservation and Participation

    • Find a tour

      Find the tour you want to join based on the scene and time of day♪.

    • Reservation Plan Application

      Once you have decided on the plan you want to apply for, select the date and time and start the application process!

    • Reservation Confirmation

      Miyakojima Tours will contact you once the reservation is completed♪

    • Take a tour

      All that remains is to participate on the day of the event! Let's have fun to the fullest!

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    open (e.g. store) 8:00-17:00
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