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    How to get to and where the triangulation point is on Miyako and Irabu Island! The most spectacular spots on Irabu Island!

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    Hello everyone! Do you know the word "Sankakuten" (triangle)? Sankakkaten is a scenic spot on Miyako Island that is well known by those in the know. In this article, we will introduce you to the triangular point on Miyako Island.


    What is Miyako Island's triangular point?


    Briefly, a triangulation point is a reference point for longitude, latitude, and elevation when used for triangulation. It is mainly used in cartography and requires origin setting, baseline surveying, point selection, landmarking, and observation.

    In addition, triangulation points have been established not only on Miyako Island but also in other places in Japan and other countries, and many mountaineering enthusiasts aim to climb mountains to reach such triangulation points. The first triangulation point in Japan was established on November 8, 1871 (December 19, 1871) by the Grand Council of State for observation in Tokyo, and since 2009, "intelligent reference points" with IC tags have been maintained.

    Triangles that happen to be located in the places you visit have various histories, and it would be interesting to find out the history of triangles when you discover them. It is a good idea to observe them when you find them, as they come in a variety of shapes and are placed in various locations.

    As mentioned earlier, the triangulation point was originally a reference point used for surveying, so it is not maintained for sightseeing purposes. Please be careful when visiting the triangulation point. We will now tell you how to get to and play at the triangular point on Miyako Island, as well as some precautions to take.


    How to get to Miyako Island's triangular point

    Speaking of triangulation points on Miyako Island, Irabu Island is by far the most popular spot. The opening of the Irabu Bridge connecting Miyakojima and Irabujima has rapidly increased its popularity, thanks in part to the spread of SNS.

    To get there, cross the Irabu Bridge from Miyako Island, turn right on the Irabu Island Peripheral Road, pass Sarahama Port, and head in the direction of Shiratorizaki and Hunausagibanata in the northernmost part of Irabu Island. Because the triangulation point is an observation point, there is no signage until you arrive at the destination.



    There is only one landmark: the word "BIKE" written in blue on the road. The word "BIKE" was written to mark the turnaround point for the triathlon held between Miyakojima and Irabujima, and since it is still there, those aiming for the triangular point use this lettering as a landmark.



    Walk past this "BIKE" sign for about 20 meters and go deeper into the woods on the left side, where you will find a gap in the trees. The footing is poor, and as you pass through the overgrowth of trees, there you will find a spectacular view.


    The place is a precipice of about 70 meters and is filled with 5 or 6 people who stop by. It is a dangerous place, so please watch your step.


    Note on Miyako Island's triangular point


    The Triangle was originally an observation point, not a tourist attraction. Therefore, there is no parking lot, and the road is not well maintained, so there are many dangers.

    Here are some notes on visiting the triangulation point. You will have to walk along a path with poor footholds to get there. You will be walking through a wooded area, so of course mosquitoes and insects will be present. Therefore, it is a good idea to prepare insect repellant spray.


    To get a spectacular view from the triangular point, you must stand on a precipice. The height is 70 meters above sea level, so don't try to drop it by playing around. Be especially careful on windy days, as hats and other items can easily fly off.

    It is best to go on a sunny day during the day, especially in bad weather, when the footing is slippery and the wind is strong, and the possibility of falling is high.


    If the weather is bad, or in the morning or evening, your feet may become muddy due to humidity or rain, and if you wear flip-flops or other items that do not protect your entire foot, some people have injured their feet on sharp rocks or other objects. Please be sure to wear sneakers to avoid injury.

    Also, as we mentioned earlier, there is only room for about 5-6 people to enjoy the spectacular view. If there is someone else in front of you when you visit, please give each other the space and enjoy the spectacular view.

    Some people have been uploading dangerous activities at the triangular point on social networking sites, and recently some local residents have been talking about making the area off-limits. So, let's all abide by the rules and enjoy this spectacular view so that we can continue to enjoy this wonderful scenery in the future.


    How to play Miyako Island Triangle


    The best way to enjoy the area is to take pictures. While some of the activities can actually be experienced, you will not be able to stop clicking the shutter of your camera when you visit, as the scenery spreads out before you in a way that makes you want to take pictures of it. The magnificent cobalt blue scenery, sparkling sea, and blue sky as you pass through narrow paths is one of the most spectacular sights on Miyako Island.


    You will definitely be able to take some Instagram-worthy photos! If you are lucky, you may even see sea turtles and manta rays swimming by. If you happen to see a sea turtle and a manta ray at the same time during your visit, you are very lucky.

    There are also activities available, such as snorkeling with sea turtles below the triangular point and a photo tour around the triangular point and iguana rock. If you are worried about going there for the first time, it is a good idea to have a guide take you around. Whichever you choose, it will still be a valuable experience, so you can choose whichever one interests you the most.


    Detail of Miyako Island Triangle


    The Miyako Island Triangle is a spectacular spot from which one can look out over the cobalt blue sea of Miyako from a cliff about 70 meters high. To the north of the precipice is "Funasagibanada," and to the south you can see the main island of Miyakojima.

    The 70-meter-high cliff is the height of a skyscraper equivalent to a 20-story building. When the wind is strong, it can be scary enough to even hesitate to stand on top of the precipice.

    Although it is a very dangerous place, the view is so beautiful that it can be considered one of the best views on Miyako Island. When viewed from the triangular spot, the intricate and complicated coastline can be seen on the left. In front of you is the shimmering blue cobalt sea, where you can occasionally see snorkeling boats and fishing boats.

    To review, a triangulation point is "a point that serves as a reference point for longitude, latitude, and elevation when used for triangulation," and it is called a "triangulation point" because of its marker stone. Trying to view the view from the triangulation point is a thrilling photo experience, as if you are throwing your feet off a cliff, and it has become a hot topic on the Internet and social networking sites.

    However, if you fall, it will be the same height as throwing yourself off a 20-story skyscraper. It is a very dangerous precipice, so please be careful not to have an accident. Be careful not to stand on the precipice when it is dark or windy in the evening.



    How was it? In this article, we introduced how to enjoy the spectacular view of the triangular point on Irabu Island. It is a beautiful and captivating place, but we hope you will also remember that it can be dangerous. It is important for each and every one of us to follow the rules in order to continue to enjoy the scenic view at the triangular point.


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    Please refer to this page when you visit Miyako Island.


    ANAスカイツアーズ バナー

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